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Book Reviews

January, 1998

Wild Game
Wild Game , Margo Lanagan (p/b, A Little Ark Book - Allen & Unwin, Aust. $9.95, ISBN: 1-86448-446-2)

About ‘Wild Game’

This is a story of an unbelievable video game about endangered animals that is suddenly too hard for one 12-year-old girl to cope with.

After finally she gets a tip from an unknown girl (who has experienced the game) the puzzle becomes clearer.


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This book was hard to start because the beginning was slow, boring and too packed with too many different words. As you progress into the middle of the book the action increases, holding your interest. Towards the end of the book it gets hard to follow again.

This book was confusing but I would probably read more work by Margo Lanagan.

Geoff Griffin.

(Geoff is a kid reviewer from the target audience for this book. He is currently reading Ms Lanagan's more recent books, including the newly released Walking through Albert.

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ISSN 1328-8008
Published in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
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