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Issue: Autumn 2014

Adventures with the Wife in Space (2013) book review

A Fan's Progress

Can a Whovian live successfully with a non-Whovian?

Is there a future for a dyed-in-the-wool Doctor Who fan who marries a woman who will put up shelves for the collection, but not watch them?

Will embarking on the epic adventure of watching all Dr Who (including the reconstructions) together bring a couple closer, who forever sunder their peace?

Neil Perryman is no stranger to taking up a fannish presence on the web. When he and his wife decided to watch all Doctor Who in order, warts and all, he blogged their experiences, including his wife's score for each episode.

This book chronicles Perryman's Whovian history, from childhood to adult and parent. And it tells of the marathon viewing, together with the behind-the-scenes experiences with cast members and comment-givers on the blog.

book cover, Adventures with the Wife in Space by Neil Perryman; 220x342

Adventures with the Wife in Space by Neil Perryman (7 Nov 2013)

It's an interesting story of the relationship between a man and his hobby? interest? televised fantasy world? The writing style is unpretentious, Perryman does not assume that the whole world is filled with Whovians, or that the history of the BBC television series is earth-shattering. Rather it is an autobiography with DVDs. A nice, easy, entertaining read.

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Ali Kayn
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