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Issue: Autumn 2014

Concealed in Death (2014) book review

The Dead Lie Waiting

Thanksgiving is over and Christmas and (horror!) Christmas shopping is on its way. Homicide lieutenant Eve Dallas is about to have her third Christmas with the gorgeous and talented Roarke.

But first she and her partner Peabody must solve the mystery of the skeletal remains Roarke has discovered in his new building.

This is the 48th outing of Dallas, her co-workers and friends as they solve the murders of a group of young girls found in a building that was a sanctuary for teenagers. This book falls immediately after the novella Taken in Death (see our reading order).

Robb (Nora Roberts, by another name), has developed good characterisation skills. Her writing is witty, a bit sexy, well-paced, and usually consistent.

book cover, Concealed in Death, J. D. Robb (Nora Roberts); 220x332

Concealed in Death by J D Robb (Nora Roberts) (Feb 18, 2014)

She does get up your reviewer's nose with her fondness for using the misogynistic verb 'man' a lot. She seems to go out of her way to do it, although this book is not the worst. Robb also manages to maintain consistency of characters and history and the details of her futuristic New York, but in this case for some reason has Roarke carrying around a button from Dallas' coat, not her ugly suit.

It's a fast read, and relaxing, because we know our heroine will find the solution by the end.

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Ali Kayn
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See also: In Death reading order and synopses
Review - Thankless in Death