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Festivale Spring 1997

In and Out

Kevin Kline is a bow tie-wearing school teacher who is wrongly outed on television by an ex-student. See Kline as he explores his masculinity.

From the previews and stills, this appears to be yet another film with two versions, if you miss it in the cinemas, chances are you'll see a watered-down version meant for bible-belt television watchers.

There is a formula for Hollywood films, in the first 20 minutes you set up the protagonist, 20 minutes before the end the audience should believe there is no escape for the character.

Movie Poster, In and Out, Festivale film review; inandout.gif - 5495 Bytes

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Within the first 20 minutes of In and Out we meet the teacher we all wish we had, smart, funny, caring, hard-working, committed, everything. And tonight his most famous ex-student is up for an academy award, during the acceptance of which the ex-student 'outs' his allegedly 'gay' teacher.


Poor guy. Okay, he's clean, and neat, and honest and forthright and true, and somehow these virtues have become unmanly (how convenient). He has been engaged for three years to a newly-thin English teacher (Joan Cusack, of Grosse Pointe Blank), his mother is Debbie Reynolds, he has created a fervent Barbra S. following among the MEN in his community, but when he says he's not gay, we know he wouldn't lie.

And so here we are in the midst of another controversy, two in fact, the voracious media sucking at his life for a little prime-time sensation (see also, Diana and Me) and the issue of privacy lost at the hands of self-serving radicals, that is, the 'gays' who get some kind of vindictive satisfaction from 'outing' others. You know, where use so-called political correctness to justify hurting others.

By the time you've decided that this isn't some flimsy Kevin Kline comedy vehicle, but instead a KK drama vehicle you're ready to discover that the writers have slipped one over on you, and that this is a movie about real human issues, real human values, real human decisions, and real human consequences.

There are some actors whose appearance is a film is generally an indicator that the story is worth the price of admission. Kevin Kline is one, and Joan Cusack is another. Together they are very good as very two normal human beings in a situation none of us would want to experience.

Click here to buy films from one of the online stores in Festivale's on-line shopping mallHighly recommended. Ali Kayn

See also Tim's review

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Just the facts:

Title: In and Out 1997
Written by: Paul Rudnick 
Directed by: Frank Oz 
Produced by: G. Mac Brown (co-producer, Scott Rudin, Adam Schroeder (executive)
Edited by: Daniel P. Hanley, John Jympson
Director of Photography: Rob Hahn 

Official Website
The Players: Kevin Kline, Joan Cusack, Tom Selleck, Debbie Reynolds
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ISSN 1328-8008
Published in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
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: Published in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia : copyright © Festivale 2009 All rights reserved
Filed: 27-Dec-1997 : Last updated: : Last tested: 22-Dec-2008: Last Compiled: 3-Jul-2014
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