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Festivale online magazine, January, 1998, movie reviews

Mouse Hunt

Hickory, Dickory Dock

The Mouse ran up the clock

The clock struck one

The villains got done

Weren't that a terrible shock

Ali Kayn

Poster Mousehunt (c) DreamWorks

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If you have seen the shorts for this Dreamworks movie, you have actually seen the best parts! For a movie that promises so much, it delivers very little. It is very slapstick from the funeral at the beginning through to the "everyone lives happily ever after" ending.

This is NOT a movie for kids, even though there were an incredible number of them at the session I attended. The slapstick is often at a level that is beyond today's kids, and even some adults, and the bits in between did not hold MY attention, so how are today's children going to take to this movie?

The mouse and the house really are the stars. The mouse manages to foil all attempts to get rid of it, even to the point of removing both the ferocious cat and the pest controller who come to do the job! The house is gloomy and spacious with assorted mouse sized tracks/tunnels within the walls that do not appear realistic within the framework of the house as shown.

While there are some genuinely good ideas in the movie, most of it is really a collection hackneyed cliches strung together with a little bit of story. Unfortunately, the story is one of almost unmitigated greed. Even the younger brother does not seem to be immune to the lure of money. It is one of those movies where it is really hard to develop the suspension of disbelief that is required to make it believable.

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Just the facts:

Title: Mousehunt (1997)
Written by: Adam Rifkin
Directed by: Gore Verbinski
running time: 98 mins
Rating: G

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ISSN 1328-8008
Published in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
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: Published in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia : copyright © Festivale 1998 All rights reserved
Filed: 27-Dec-1997 : Last updated: 28-Jan-1998 : Last tested: 3-Jul-2014: Last Compiled: 3-Jul-2014
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