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Festivale online magazine
A Reel Life film section
if only movie review

if only

This is a kind of Sliding Doors type premise. Another old idea popular in science fiction and fantasy. What if ...

In this case, what if I could go back and do it all again.

Our protagonist cheats on his girlfriend, admits to it, and doesn't like the consequences. So he goes back. Not to undo the faithlessness, but to undo the truthful act.

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By all means, let's regret the honourable things we might do. From which comment you can tell that I wasn't much impressed by the concept. I guess he didn't realise that a relationship isn't over when you are 'found out'. It's over when you act wrongly.

Anyway, it's a different take on the idea, another British production, and the end may not be what you expect. It's a film worth renting, but I wouldn't say it's worth $12 to see it in the theatres.

Also known as The Man with Rain in His Shoes.

buyreel.jpg - 5045 Bytes by Ali Kayn

Due for Australian release December 17. 1998

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Just the facts:

Title: if only (1998)
Written by:
Directed by:
running time: 90 mins

The Players: Douglas Henshall, Lena Headey, Penelope Cruz, Elizabeth McGovern, Charlotte Coleman, Gustavo Salmeron, Eusebio Lazaro.
Official website
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Festivale Online Magazine
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ISSN 1328-8008
Published in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
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: Published in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia : copyright © Festivale 1998 All rights reserved
Filed: 17-Nov-1998 : Last updated: : Last tested: 3-Jul-2014: Last compiled: 3-Jul-2014
Entire site refreshed: Dec 2008-Feb 2009 | Site URL transferred: Jan 2005 (previously www.festivale.webcentral.com.au)

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