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Battlefield Earth movie review

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Battlefield Earth

A dark and loathsome race have conquered Earth. They practice arrogance and bureaucracy and are basically your unpleasant aliens against whom the pure, brave stereotypic U.S. male must fight and prevail against.

A great deal of money has been expended, special effects, costumes and all, but it's still a poor example of the science fiction genre.

Movie Poster, Battlefield Earth, Festivale film review section
Movie Poster, Battlefield Earth
Add your comments by Ali Kayn
Due for Australian release Due for Australian release September, 2000
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Just the facts:

Title: Battlefield Earth ()
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The Players: John Travolta
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Festivale Online Magazine
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ISSN 1328-8008
Published in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
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Last Compiled: 08-Aug-2014
Entire site refreshed: Dec 2008-Feb 2009 | Site URL transferred: Jan 2005 (previously www.festivale.webcentral.com.au)

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