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Bootmen movie review

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A dance movie with a difference, this is the story of a group of men who become dancers celebrating the sights and sounds of the working man.

The working-class man is celebrated in this musical-with-a-difference. Sean (Adam Garcia) wants out of the life in a steel mill, and dance seems to be the way to do it.

Sean builds a troop of he-men dancers. Their style is heavy on percussion, using the boots and tools of their trade to create a vibrant, loud, and joyous sound.

movie poster, Bootmen, film review
Movie Poster, Bootmen
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movie poster, bootmen

Naturally the film is full of sweaty beefcake.

It's a bit in the tradition of Garland and Rooney - a 'lets hold a show in the barn' movie.

Fun. Exhuberant. A celebration of men and their boots.

Ali Kayn

Send your comments or review Due for Australian release October 5, 2000
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Just the facts:

Title: Bootmen (1999)
Written by: Steve Worland (story) & Hilary Linstead (story) & Dein Perry (story) Steve Worland (screenplay)
Directed by: Dein Perry
running time:

The Players: Adam Garcia, Sophie Lee, Sam Worthington,
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Festivale Online Magazine
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ISSN 1328-8008
Published in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
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: Published in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia : copyright © Festivale 2000 All rights reserved
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