Movie reviews, film release dates, film commentary, all these things are here in What's in Festivale, including cover stories, the tour, indices, and what's new A Reel Life: The movie section with film commentary, coming attractions and release dates, links pages and more. The Bookroom: News, reviews, links Technology Bytes Festivale's guide to Melbourne and Victoria, photos, maps, links
Festivale online magazine, movie reviews section with links to film related materials on Festivale
online magazine

This month's most popular movie is Stigmata. Click here for more information, and the movie trailer.

The Matrix is still going strong with our readers, possibly the most popular film this year.

Film reviews indexonline movie stores

Pick your starting point:

Festivale's front page
The front page of the film section
Film commentary
Film review index
Movies by month
Release dates for upcoming films
And if you have an opinion about a movie, don't forget to let us know. E-mail us, or click on the "your view" button.

A Reel Life

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Click here to go to the front page of the Reel Life section

Use the go to contents of current issuecontents button (right) to see a table of contents for the current issue of Festivale.

We also have features, interviews, book and technology news and reviews, and a growing pictorial guide to Melbourne and Victoria, with clickable map pages with related links, an online shopping mall, and other free goodies.

Go straight to the New stuff, or take the tour

Click her for contents of current issue Go to coming attractions (films)
currently under construction
Rebuild in progress

Festivale Online Magazine
Celebrate everything!

ISSN 1328-8008
Published in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
disclaimers | contact the editor | Festivale revision history

: Published in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia : copyright © Festivale 2000 All rights reserved
Filed: May-1998 : Last updated: Sep-1999 : Last tested:
Entire site refreshed: Dec 2008-Feb 2009 | Site URL transferred: Jan 2005 (previously

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