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A Reel Life film section

Autumn 2004

Visit to a Small Planet(1960) movie review

There aren't a lot of people who know the science fiction films of Jerry Lewis. There's this one, the reworking of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde (The Nutty Professor), and his astronaut adventure Way...Way Out.

Based on the play by Gore Vidal, Visit to a Small Planet is about a humanoid extra terrestrial Kreton (Jerry Lewis) who drops in on Earth to see the U.S. Civil War and misses. He arrives in sixties United States dressed appropriately for a costume party.

He arrives in the home of commentarian Roger Putnam Spelding (Fred Clark) in time for him to declare, of extra-terrestrials:

Spacemen, there ain't no such animal.

Movie poster, Visit to a Small Planet; Festivale film review

Movie poster, Visit to a Small Planet
The weirdest alien of the galaxy pays a visit to Earth...

Kreton has a couple of non-Earth powers, including the ability to understand beatnik lyrics. He is a comedic barometer for measuring the eccentricities and habits of humans, including the mating rituals of teenagers (Joan Blackman and Earl Holliman).

I'd like a big family. Let's start right now.

A classic play brought to the screen without too much clowning.

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by Ali Kayn
Due for Australian release 1960
For credits and official site details, see below
Search Festivale for more work by the film-makers below.

See also: Way... Way Out; The Nutty Professor
Interview with Jerry Lewis

Just the facts:

Title: Visit to a Small Planet(1960) (1960)
Written by: Gore Vidal (play), Edmund Beloin & Henry Garson (scr)
Directed by: Norman Taurog
running time: 85 mins

The Players: Jerry Lewis, Joan Blackman, Earl Holliman, Fred Clark, Gale Gordon, Milton Frome

Official website:
IMDb entry

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