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A Reel Life film section

Summer, 2006

Ultraviolet (2006) movie review


In a world driven a little mad by a plague of vampirism, a slick female agent attempts to steal the cure.

From the opening sequence of faux comic covers, Ultraviolet is placed firmly in the superhero genre.

This superhero is a gorgeous female with high-flying martial arts skills, chameleon capabilities and other high-tech devices courtesy of the special effects geeks.

Milla Jovovich (The Fifth Element) plays Violet, a woman with a mission in a world where trust is less pervasive than deception.

Movie poster, Ultraviolet (2006); Festivale film review

Movie poster, Ultraviolet (2006)

The Blood war is on.

Slick and fast-paced, Ultraviolet makes a concerted attempt to provide some characterisation to the major characters, and to have some sort of cohesive plot. These are things that many superhero films lack.

The film-makers work towards a final twist in the end, but there is some feeling that it is one of several possible endings considered by writer/director Wimmer, and therefore lacks punch. So to speak.

Definitely a must-see for the vampire-fans and superhero-fans and not a bad way to pass the time for science fiction buffs. While enjoyable, it may not be accessible to the mainstream audience, but let the mundanes eat cake and watch a romantic comedy. Ultraviolet is an interesting trip to the colourful side for the rest of us.

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by Ali Kayn
Due for Australian release 3 March 2006
For credits and official site details, see below
Search Festivale for more work by the film-makers below.

See also: Search the site for "superhero" for other comic-style heroes. For a different take on vampires, try Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Twilight.

Just the facts:

Title: Ultraviolet (2006)
Written by: Kurt Wimmer
Directed by: Kurt Wimmer
running time:

The Players: Milla Jovovich, Cameron Bright, Nick Chinlund

Official website:
IMDb entry

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