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And Then Came Love movie review

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Vanessa Williams - feminism-free zone

The lovely Ms Williams, as an actress, exists to apologise for the approaching liberation of women. In films reviewed in Festivale she apologises for attempting to emancipate herself. Auntie Tom, in fact.

In And Then Came Love, Williams plays a successful journalist who loves her job and who, absent an available father, elected to have a child on her own courtesy of her local sperm bank.

Movie Poster, And Then Came Love, Festivale film review
Movie Poster, And Then Came Love
A Little Movie with a Big Heart

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Her now six-year-old son is acting out, whinging and whining about having no father as if he were the kid in Christmas Story angling for a BB Gun. Meanwhile her mother (Eartha Kitt) is nagging incessantly about the poor fatherless boy and the incredibly selfish mother, doing everything but put up Dan Quayle posters.

Frustrated by her son's misbehaviour the journalist hires an investigator to identify the biological father and heads out to discover whether this aggression is in his father's genes. It's a bit reminiscent of Made in America, well, a cross between that and Mrs Doubtfire as the dad starts working his way into their lives.

Come on, you've read the title, you know what happens next. Sigh.

The shots are in focus, the sound is a bit shonky, having scenes where Williams dialogue echoes and her co-actor's voice doesn't. The story has a beginning, a middle and an end, and a point -- unfortunately an anti-female one.

Definitely not a chick-flick.

Add your own view this film by Ali Kayn
For credits and official site details, see below
See also: Vanessa Williams in Soul Food and Hoodlum.
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Provided by Internet Movie Database.
Just the facts:

Title: And Then Came Love(2007)
Written by: Caytha Jentis
Directed by: Richard Schenkman
Produced by: Shashi Balooja .... co-producer Caytha Jentis .... executive producer Caytha Jentis .... producer
Edited by: Richard LaBrie
Director of Photography: Timothy Naylor
running time: 90 mins

The Players: Vanessa Williams, Eartha Kitt, Kevin Daniels, Michael Boatman
Official website:
IMDb: tt0825346
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ISSN 1328-8008
Published in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
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: Published in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia : copyright © Festivale 2007 All rights reserved
Filed: Nov, 2007 : Last updated: 22-Dec-2008 : Last tested: 22-Dec-2008 : Last Compiled: 26-Aug-2013
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