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Andromeda Strain (1971) movie review

Watch Out for Bugs

From the competent pen of Michael Crichton, The Andromeda Strain is a piece of classic science fiction that is still worth watching more than 30 years on.

Deep beneath the surface of a lonely part of the U.S. of A. is a super-secret multi-level laboratory set up to fight bugs from outer space. The wildfire team are overwhelming male, a sign of the times, there is the lovely nurse to feel compassion for the subjects and the less-lovely Kate Reid as the female scientist unsexed by laboratory overalls and glasses.

The team is headed by a politically-important scientist played by Arthur Hill, and comprises the always workman-like David Wayne and as the action-man and surgeon, James Olson.

Movie Poster, Andromeda Strain (1971); Festivale film review

Movie Poster, Andromeda Strain (1971); Festivale film review

Although to 21st century eyes the technology and attitudes of these 1970s scientist-heroes is dated, the people and their commitment stand the test of time. Yes, the ending is perhaps a bit more fortuitous than scientific, but The Andromeda Strain is still an excellent example of the Scientific Procedural.

For fun, compare this with the 2008 television mini-series.

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by Ali Kayn
Australian release March 1971
For credits and official site details, see below
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Just the facts:

Title: Andromeda Strain (1971)
Written by: Michael Crichton (novel); Nelson Gidding (screenplay)
Directed by: Robert Wise
running time: 131 mins

The Players: Arthur Hill, David Wayne, James Olson, Kate Reid,

Official website:
IMDb entry

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