A Reel Life film section
Issue: 2010
Sex in the City 2 (2010) movie review
Big Screen T.V. Show
Four New York-based women, three married and one very much on-the-prowl embark on an adventure in an expensive Arabian hotel.
146 minutes. One-hundred-and-forty-six minutes! From its opening at a 'gay' wedding, Sex in the City 2 is a film at the forefront of conspicuous consumption.
The television series make its name with (to Americans) risque subject matter and the clothes. Sex in the City 2 has one outfit after another vying for the title of the most appalling and unflattering costume. This reviewer has never seen so much tacky tat in one film.
Bizarre, unflattering and distracting, the clothes make the film that much more tasteless.
This is the film where a throng of women BELLY DANCE to the feminist theme I Am Woman.
Whatever positive messages might be in the film (such as the telling moment where, clad head to foot in black, the 'girls' can distinguish one another in a crowd) were drowned out by such anti-female plot points as forcing character Carrie Bradshaw to take her husband's name because it's gay wedding etiquette.
A film for the fans of the series, more of the same, as this famous group of 'professional girls' go, not quietly, into their sunset years.
by Ali Kayn | |
Just the facts:Title: Sex in the City 2 (2010) The Players: Sarah Jessica Parker, Official website: IMDb entry For session times of current films, use the cinema listings on the Movie links page. For scheduled release dates, see the coming attractions section. For more information about this movie, check out the internet movie database. |