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A Reel Life film section

Issue: Spring 2014

Begin Again (2013) movie review

Sing Your Heart Out

Dan is a music business executive (Mark Ruffalo) is fired from the company that he created. He forms a bond with a young singer-songwriter Gretta (Keira Knightley) newly single in Manhattan and ready to go home.

Let's get a barn and have a show! Well, that's the clicé. When Dan can't get his old partner to give Gretta's music a chance, he decides to get a recording made anyway.

They decide to produce an album outside, in New York City, with musicians he finds and with the sounds of the city welcomed into the sounds of the singer and the band that he has gathered.

People forget who he is.

movie poster, Begin Again, Festivale film review; 220x326

Movie poster, Begin Again
You're only as strong as your next move.

In the entertainment businesses, you are often as good as your last offering. A long dry spell is death to a career. This is a film of redemption; of a man who loses his way and finds it again in his work.

In a time of big-budget movies that are glossy and highly-produced this film lets it's heart shine through. Love, family, the delicate nature of talent and the twists and turns that make up our lives and our careers -- it's all in this film. Nicely-paced, nicely-performed, this is a story to share.

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by Ali Kayn
Australian release 7 August 2014
For credits and official site details, see below
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Just the facts:

Title: Begin Again (2013)
Written by: John Carney
Directed by: John Carney
Running time: 104 mins

The Players: James Corden, Keira Knightley, Mark Ruffalo

Official website:
IMDb entry

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