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A Reel Life film section

Issue: Autumn 2014

Seduced and Abandoned (2013) movie review

Last Tango, Again

Alec Baldwin and filmmaker James Toback are on a mission: to remake Bernardo Bertolucci's legendary 1972 film Last Tango in Paris by setting it in Iraq in the mid-2000s. Hobnobbing their way around Cannes, the wisecracking duo meet up with a who's who of the film industry. Opens May 8 - exclusive to Nova.

Okay, if this sounds like yet another documentary made by Hollywood about itself, you'd be right.

I like "making of"s. I listen to DVD commentary tracks. I'm interested in the film industry. But this doco is just depressing. It is concerned with the producer's side of money-gathering. According to the quotes, what Orson Welles said took up 95% of his time. But that's really not entertaining.

Movie poster, Seduced and Abandoned, Festivale film review; 220x326

Movie poster, Seduced and Abandoned

So if you're interested in backroom meetings, in watching a who's who of behind-the-camera people talking about making decisions based on perceived bankability, or talking about Last Tango in Paris - a gross film that we really don't need revisited - then this is for you.

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by Ali Kayn
Australian release May 8 2014
For credits and official site details, see below
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Just the facts:

Title: Seduced and Abandoned (2013)
Written by: James Toback
Directed by: James Toback
Running time: 98 mins
Rating: MA

The Players: Alec Baldwin, Ryan Gosling, Martin Scorsese, Neve Campbell, James Caan, Francis Ford Coppola, Roman Polanski, Bernardo Bertolucci,

Official website:
IMDb entry

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