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A Reel Life film section

Issue: Winter 2014

Some Velvet Morning (2013) movie review

A Study in Aggression

I wanted to make a film that feels like an argument that the audience has walked in on by mistake. Passionate and funny and intense. Scary at times ... This is cinema at its most immediate and demanding but filled with two of our best actors battling it out..." Neil LaBute

Stanley Tucci plays a selfish, self-absorbed, aggressive, bullying, violent scumbag visiting a woman. As Some Velvet Morning progresses he reveals himself to be -- a selfish, aggressive, violent scumbag.

If you're interested in a good performance of that sort of thing, go to it. Otherwise this is 84 minutes spent with a prick one would avoid on the street.

movie poster, Some Velvet Morning, Festivale film review; 220x325

Movie poster, Some Velvet Morning

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by Ali Kayn
Australian release 31 July, 2014
For credits and official site details, see below
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Just the facts:

Title: Some Velvet Morning (2013)
Written by: Neil LaBute
Directed by: Neil LaBute
Running time: 84 mins
Rating: MA15+

The Players: Stanley Tucci, Alice Eve

Official website:
IMDb entry

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