Geographical maps.
They are part of the Pictorial Guide to Melbourne and Victoria, a growing collection of information about our state.
Using these geographical maps you can 'drill down', that is, zoom in further for more detail (where available).
As a general rule of thumb maps will zoom in until there is nothing with more detail, and then you will end up at a guidebook entry or list. Maps zoom out and out until, well, check it for yourself.
Maps of particular sites may have 'hot spots' where you can click to see photographs. Every hot spot is also listed underneath the map. The zoom in and zoom out options are also listed under the map.
In answer to your questions:
Yes, you can use our maps for school projects, as long as you send us a copy of the project and leave our logo on the map. Originally we hoped that class groups might be interested in creating entries for the guidebook as school projects. Contat the editors for more information about guidelines.
Yes, you can use our maps on not-for-profit PG-13 sites, but you must notify us of your use and include a graphical and textual link to Festivale.
Yes, we do add maps from time to time as they become appropriate for our stories.
No, we do not have any maps that are not currently on the site.
No, we do not develop free-of-charge maps for people on request.
Yes, we do think it's rude of people to complain that our free maps don't match their requirements. We have received a number of quite nasty criticisms, and some extraordinary demands for information.