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Issue: 2004

Metro Girl (2004) book review

Powerful in Pink

Janet Evanovich, with her Stephanie Plum series has proven herself a queen of a particular combination of humour, romance and crime.

In Metro Girl she introduces Alex Barnaby, a blonde who loves pink and can beat anything mechanical into submission. In true Evanovich tradition, Alex meets Hooker, a NASCAR driver who has far too much confidence (and money), and together they embark on an investigation into where her brother has taken Hooker's yacht.

book cover, Metro Girl, by Janet Evanovich; 146x220

Metro Girl (2004), tpb, 312p, HarperCollins

Evanovich has a trademark style -- smart, a little ironic, sexy and self-deprecating. She provides Alex with a love interest who can also be the bane of her life, and a couple of latino sidekicks who are keen to kick a little ass themselves.

It's mayhem in Miami for Alex and her friends. This book is what you'd expect: light, bright and a bit of undemanding fun.

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See also: Alex Barnaby series reading order and synopses.
Stephanie Plum series reading order and synopses.

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