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A Reel Life film section

Issue: Winter 2002

Windrunner (1995) movie review

Greg Cima's (Jason Wiles) life is in turmoil. His mother (Margot Kidder) has just moved them to a remote town in the U.S. Southwest so that they can be near the prison in which his father is incarcerated.

Now he's in a new high school were status depends on whether your father is a guard or a convict. He just wants to do kid stuff and play football, but the coach is keeping him on the bench.

Enter Wa Tho Huck (Country Ghost)(Russell Means), who takes Greg under his wing and trains him, defends him, and ultimately gets him his chance.

Movie poster, Windrunner; Festivale film review

Movie poster, Windrunner

This is a coming-of-age film with the usual love interest and ambition to be fulfilled. It also has a touch of the supernatural. It is a mentor film with an interesting twist.

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by Ali Kayn
Australian release 1995
For credits and official site details, see below
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Just the facts:

Title: Windrunner(1995) (1995)
Written by: Mitch Davis
Directed by: William Clark
running time: 98 mins

The Players: Jason Wiles, Russell Means, Margot Kidder,

IMDb entry

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