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Festivale online magazine, February, 1998
The Woodlanders movie review
The Woodlanders

Watching The Woodlanders is a step back into rural Victorian England. The local people are not the elegant ball-attendees of Jane Austen, but rather the poor folk who live in tiny huts, timber gatherers and cider-makers and the like, at the mercy of the land-holder's whims.

In The Woodlanders our heroine is bullied into selling her own hair. The lady of the manor wears the hair of another woman, and takes another woman's husband.

Movie Poster, The Woodlanders, Festivale film review

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Ultimately, we are warned, her greedy taking of this man will be her downfall: "See him as much as you want -- until you wish you had never known him" the wife tells her.

Thomas Hardy wrote detailed novels, rich in scenery and human observation. The filmmakers matched his dedication by filming over a period of time to ensure that the scenes were shot in the appropriate seasons. Their attention to detail is like a time capsule, giving us a glance at living conditions and social conditions of a simpler, harder time.

All this care can't stop the film from having a little of the feeling of a condensed novel. I'm not sure how Hardy would feel about their ending.

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Just the facts:

Title: The Woodlanders (1997)
Written by: Based on the novel by Thomas Hardy
Directed by: Phil Agland
Produced by: Phil Agland, Barney Reisz
Edited by:
Director of Photography:

The Players: Rufus Sewell, Polly Walker, Jodhi May, Tony Haygarth, Cal MacAninch, Emily Woof
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ISSN 1328-8008
Published in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
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: Published in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia : copyright © Festivale 1998 All rights reserved
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