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A Reel Life film section
Enemy of the State movie review

Enemy of the State

George Orwell's big brother was nothing to the power in the hands of governmental agencies and private individuals today. Between spy satellites in the sky, web cams on the internet, and judges ruling to allow stolen private materials there is nowhere that even the average person can hide in complete security.

Enemy of the State puts a man against the implacable forces of that late 20th century cliche: the arrogant, malevolent government agents who kill and abuse the very people who they are sworn to protect.

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Will Smith plays a smart labour relations lawyer whose life is changed by a chance encounter with an old college friend. In a series of moves reminiscent of films such as The Net, bank accounts are compromised, the police are manipulated, and our hero rapidly discovers how fragile our support systems really are. Plastic money and online records are fast and convenient, but easy to change with the right access and skills.

Gene Hackman plays an agent who lives underground, hidden from the agency and his black ops past. Together the two men must evade the bad guys and, hopefully, reclaim their lives and bring the wrong-doers to justice.

There's nothing really new here in the premise, the story, or the characters; Enemy of the State passes the time, but it doesn't offer much more than a run of the mill crime/mystery story.

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Just the facts:

Title: Enemy of the State (1998)
Written by: David Marconi
Directed by: Tony Scott
running time: 132 mins
rating: M

The Players:Will Smith, Gene Hackman, Lisa Bonet
Official website: www.movies.go.com/eos/
For session times of current films, use the cinema listings on the Movie links page. For scheduled release dates, see the coming attractions section.
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Festivale Online Magazine
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ISSN 1328-8008
Published in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
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: Published in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia : copyright © Festivale 1998 All rights reserved
Filed: 22-Nov-1998 : Last updated: : Last tested:<3-Jul-2014
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