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True Crime movie review

True Crime

A newspaper reporter (Eastwood) is assigned to finish another writers' story about a black man sentenced to death for the murder of a white woman. Naturally the man is innocent, and Eastwood has only hours to prove it.

Eastwood plays an over-the-hill, underachiever who early in the piece is seen chatting up a woman so much younger than he that it MUST be poorly presented black comedy. Speaking as a woman there is nothing more gross than a drooly, saggy, baggy old man who's seconds away from pulling out his limp 'credentials'.

The woman dies, and he is called in to follow up on her story.

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Movie still, True Crime
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The film has a shattering mix of good acting, insight and post-menopausal male fantasies. As I walk to film previews I pass a group of 'red light' houses. On the way to True Crime I saw something that turned my stomach, gag; an emaciated elderly man pushing an even more decrepit and decomposing man into a brothel. Gag. Gross. What kind of arrogance and selfishness motivate someone to present himself, even offering money. Yukky.

Which brings me to the shirtless scene in True Crime. Eastwood the action hero is over, instead he revealed himself as a concave-chested geezer playing a much younger man.

His character has a young wife, but it wasn't believable, because there was no explanation for an intelligent, attractive, healthy woman taking on a dried up old sperm machine. While the wealthy, successful actor Eastwood might be able to get the chickies, a pathetic has-been does not, and PLEASE can we stop this male fantasy bullsh*t that healthy, child-bearing age women should be wasted on far from vibrant men.

All of which means that the extraordinarily bad casting totally wrecks the film.

Janeanne Garafolo on the David Letterman Show speaking of Entrapment another male-ego-fairy film said: "you have the age discrepancy that would never happen in reverse gender ...you'd never have a movie with Angela Lansbury and Matt Damon. It'd be like Jessica Tandy and Freddie Prinze Jr light up the screen."

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Movie Still, True Crimes

Click here to buy films from one of the online stores in Festivale's on-line shopping mallby Ali Kayn

Due for Australian release April 29, 1999 rescheduled to May 13, 1999
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Just the facts:

Title: True Crime (1999)
Written by: based on the novel by Andrew Klavan, screenplay by Larry Gross and Paul Brickman and Stephen Schiff
Directed by: Clint Eastwood
Produced by: Richard D. Zanuck, Lili Fini Zanuck, Tom Rooker
Edited by: Joel Cox
Director of Photography: Jack N. Green
running time: 127 minutes
rating: MA

The Players: Clint Eastwood, Isaiah Washington, Denis Leary, James Woods, Lisa Gay Hamilton
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ISSN 1328-8008
Published in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
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: Published in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia : copyright © Festivale 1999 All rights reserved
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