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The Beach movie review

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The Beach

This is a deep movie in the same way that an Adam Sandler movie is funny. Di Caprio's backgroundless, nomadic generic American tourist guy gets to Bangkok, drinks some snake blood, books into a crummy hotel and hears about a fabled island Paradise from Robert Carlyle - who uses exactly the same accent as Mike Myers did while playing Fat Bastard in "The Spy Who Shagged Me". Leo and a generic French couple find and swim to the Island which is ruled by generic Asian dope growers and an ungeneric Tilda Swinton. They play for a while and things go wrong, Leo goes "Lord of the Flies" postal and the drug growers come in.

Movie Poster, The Beach, Festivale film reviews section
Movie Poster, The Beach
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The moral of the story, as far as I can accertain it from the silliness of this film is that if you have one idyllic moment in your life then everything's both hunky and dory.

Send your comments or review Terry Frost
Due for Australian release March, 2000
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Just the facts:

Title: The Beach (2000)
Written by: Alex Garland (novel) John Hodge
Directed by: Danny Boyle
Produced by: Andrew Macdonald, Callum McDougall (co-producer)
Edited by: Masahiro Hirakubo
Director of Photography: Darius Khondji
running time:

The Players: Leonardo Di Caprio, Tilda Swinton and Robert Carlyle
Official website: www.beachmovie.com
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ISSN 1328-8008
Published in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
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: Published in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia : copyright © Festivale 1999 All rights reserved
Filed: Mar-2000 : Last updated: : Last tested: 8-Jul-2014
Last Compiled: 08-Aug-2014
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