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Issue: Winter, 2001

Someone Like You (2001) movie review

Men, and Women, and Love


After the break-up of her romance, Jane Goodale (Ashley Judd) is filled with questions about the opposite sex. She develops a cynical hypothesis named the New Cow Theory. When it is anonymously published in a magazine, it becomes the talk of the town. But has she found the exception to the rule?

Why not me? Is the universal question. Just about everyone who has ever been turned down has a theory, some better and more original than others. Jane's theory is based on an alleged behaviour of bulls. They reject known cows (if you know why I mean), for unknown cows. She developed this into a theory on why men move on.

Movie Poster, Someone Like You, Festivale film reviews section

Movie poster, Someone Like You

The story about the one that got away and the one she never saw coming.

As Jane and her best friend (Marisa Tomei) she is first tormented, then tortured by a co-worker (Hugh Jackman) who takes her in after a devastating breakup leaves her without a home.

The odd couple become friends briefly, he frustrated by her refusal to help him find and secure an interview with the writer of the controverial New Cow Theory article.

A modern-day romantic comedy, Someone Like You has moments of insight and moments of humour, but is very thin material indeed and an improbable, or at least unsubstantiated ending.

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by Ali Kayn
Due for Australian release July 12 2001
For credits and official site details, see below
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Just the facts:

Title: Someone Like You (2001)
Written by: based on a novel by Laura Zigman, screenplay by Elizabeth Chandler
Directed by: Tony Goldwyn
Produced by: Lynda Obst
Edited by: Dana Congdon
Director of Photography: Anthony B. Richmond
running time: 97 mins
rating: M

The Players: Ashley Judd, Greg Kinnear, Hugh Jackman, Marisa Tomei, Ellen Barkin

Official website:
IMDb entry

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