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A Reel Life film section

Issue: Summer, 2010

The Lovely Bones (2009) movie review

Love Lingers On


I was alive in my own perfect world.

When young Susie Salmon is murdered she discovers that her life has only just begun.

The Lovely Bones handles a difficult subject -- the death of a child with delicacy and compassion. The reality of the continuing family life and the investigation of Susie's death contrasts with the fantastic limbo world in which Susie exists.

There it was, the moment I would never have. ... Always I would watch ...

Nowadays the lists of new release films are filled with dark subjects delivered darkly. The Lovely Bones has great atmosphere that grows in suspense without taking the easy way of obvious violence.

Movie Poster; The Lovely Bones; Festivale film review; 220x304

Movie poster, The Lovely Bones
The story of a life and everything that came after...

The Lovely Bones does not diminish the horror of loss, particularly of the loss of a child and its potential, however it gives the audience room to watch and understand the movement of the tale.

Nicely performed by a cast that includes Mark Wahlberg as the grieving father, Rachel Weisz as the mother, Susan Sarandon as the grandmother whose incompetent housekeeping holds the family somewhat together and the incredibly versatile Stanley Tucci as the man across the street.

Highly recommended.

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by Ali Kayn
Due for Australian release Jan 1, 2010
For credits and official site details, see below
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Just the facts:

Title: The Lovely Bones (2009)
Written by: Fran Walsh (screenplay) & Philippa Boyens (screenplay) & Peter Jackson (screenplay); Alice Sebold (novel)
Directed by: Peter Jackson
Running time: 135 mins
Rating: M

The Players: Mark Wahlberg, Saoirse Ronan, Stanley Tucci, Rachel Weisz, Susan Sarandon,

Official website:
IMDb entry

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