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A Reel Life film section

Issue: Winter, 2010

Other People's Money movie review

Here comes Larry the Liquidator (Danny DeVito), about to make millions off other people's money. Kate Sullivan (Penelope Ann Miller) is the lawyer who stands between him and the takeover of a traditional family-run factory.

Other People's Money is a film born in a time of Wall Street takeovers making money by liquidating businesses that were asset rich, and when Japan was the big mover in the international marketplace.

When Larry turns his eyes to the small Rhode Island firm and begins a classic takeover, he confronts the traditional views of Jorgey (Gregory Peck), and he triggers displays of people's real natures.

"We're the same ... we care more about the game than we do the players."

Movie poster, Other People's Money; Festivale film review

Movie poster, Other People's Money
Meet Larry the Liquidator. Arrogant. Greedy. Self-centered. Ruthless. You gotta love the guy.

Kate and Larry battle it out over doughnuts and sushi and dip as Larry tries to fix Kate's interest while she is trying to save the business her mother (Piper Laurie) loves.

The film is driven by the natural relationships of the people and by their natures. Without stopping it manages to point out the valueless making of money where no product is created, the poor quality of U.S. education, and a few other fundamental truths about people. This gives the story depth, a thoughtfulness that in now way interferes with, or slows the story. Well worth a look.

"Who needs education when you can blow up the world?"

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by Ali Kayn
Australian release 14 November 1991
For credits and official site details, see below
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See also: Norman Jewison also directed Only You; Best Friends
Danny DeVito also appeared in Romancing the Stone, Jewel of the Nile, Twins, The Rainmaker, L.A. Confidential, Mars Attacks!, Batman Returns, The War of the Roses, Ruthless People, Terms of Endearment,

Just the facts:

Title: Other People's Money (1991)
Written by: Jerry Sterner (play); Alvin Sargent (screenplay)
Directed by: Norman Jewison
running time: 103 mins
rating: M

The Players: Danny DeVito, Penelope Ann Miller, Gregory Peck, Piper Laurie, Dean Jones

Official website:
IMDb entry

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