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Spring, 2008

My Best Friend's Girl(2008) movie review

The Nastiest Cupid

A woman is on the date from hell, her escort is rude, crude and excruciatingly awful to be with. As she races for the door her makes a play for her and she gives us a quick recap of her evening. Yep, he's a creep and proud of it.

Not only that, but it pays. Tank (Dane Cook) is the gigolo from hell -- the man hired by ex- and would-be boyfriends to give women a taste of really distasteful company. Of course, as bad at he is acting, he is never as immoral as a man who would hire someone to basically harass and terrorise a woman.

Despite initial reluctance, Tank takes on the task of grossing-out the alleged love of his roommate's life -- Alexis (Kate Hudson). Little do they know that she is drinking herself into a state of extreme behaviour at the behest of her own outrageous roommate.

Movie poster, My Best Friend's Girl; Festivale film review

Movie poster, My Best Friend's Girl

It's funny what love can make you do

Tank has met his match -- or has he? Is there a future in a relationship that begins with verbal abuse and middles with sport sex?

My Best Friend's Girl is the opposite of Failure to Launch. Where Sarah Jessica Parker's character was creating the illusion of a good girlfriend to encourage stay-at-homes to step out into the world, here Tank is sending women screaming back to any haven.

For the alert film buffs among you, yes, the working title for this film was How to Lose a Girl in One Date. It's a gross-out filmic revisiting of the romantic triangle. Prepare to be annoyed and shocked as well as entertained.

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by Ali Kayn
Due for Australian release 9 Oct 2008
For credits and official site details, see below
Search Festivale for more work by the film-makers below.

See also: How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days; Failure to Launch

Just the facts:

Title: My Best Friend's Girl (2008)
Written by: Jordan Cahan
Directed by: Howard Deutch
Running time: 101 mins
Rating: MA

The Players: Dane Cook, Kate Hudson, Alec Baldwin,

Official website:
IMDb entry

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