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A Reel Life film section

Issue: May 2003 (Winter)

Matrix Reloaded movie review

The Very Meaning Of Our Lives

Some of you believe and some of you don't.

The machines are on the attack, a sentinel for every person. The prophesy has not yet ben fulfilled. There are still people trapped, living in the matrix, functioning as batteries to power the machines. Morpheus and Neo and the resistance continue to move between reality and matrix on their quest to remove the control of the human race by the machines.

MATRIX RELOADED is heavy with its own philosophy, a strange mixture of mysticism wrapped in computer terminology and mad-skills enabled by wire stunts and computer graphics (CG).

Every story you've ever heard about vampires, werewolves or aliens is the system assimilating a program doing something it shouldn't

Movie poster,Matrix Reloaded, Festivale film review

Movie poster, Matrix Reloaded, Festivale film review
You are not here to make a choice, but you're here to understand why you've made it

The balance is maintained fairly well, with the pacing nicely underwritten by an excellent musical score and sound effects.

Carrie Anne Moss in MATRIX RELOADED, Festivale film review;886x389

Carrie Anne Moss in MATRIX RELOADED, (c) 2003 Warner Bros, Festivale film review

The Matrix franchise is fun and fast. The costumes and the martial arts skills are the stuff of our fantasies. Whether it is one of those martial arts films that are dressed in mysticism, or a philosophical examination of the nature of what it is to be human, and to be loved.

The repeated theme is choice.

You have already made the choice. Now you have to understand it.

Keanu Reeves in MATRIX RELOADED, Festivale film review;1280x720

Keanu Reeves in MATRIX RELOADED,(c) 2003 Warner Bros, Festivale film review

What would you choose? Red pill, blue pill, survival or sacrifice?

Add your comments

by Ali Kayn
Due for Australian release 16 May 2003 (Australia)
For credits and official site details, see below
Search Festivale for more work by the film-makers below.

See also:
Matrix movies -- The Matrix; Matrix Revolution; Matrix Reloaded

; Animatrix; Matrix Resurrections

Just the facts:

Title: Matrix Reloaded (2003)
Written by: The Wachowskis
Directed by: The Wachowskis
running time: 138 min

The Players: Keanu Reeves, Carrie-Anne Moss, Laurence Fishburne, Jada Pinkett, Hugo Weaving, Ray Anthony, Christine Anu, Andy Arness

Official website: Warner Bros
IMDb entry

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