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Museum Victoria

Places to Think and Do

"Museum Victoria cares for the state's scientific and cultural collections"

(from their web site.

Museum Victoria is a collection of museums and attractions including: Melbourne Museum, Bunjilaka Aboriginal Cultural Centre, Immigration Museum, Scienceworks, Melbourne Planetarium, Royal Exhibition Building and Imax Melbourne.

The old Exhibition Buildings in the Carlton Gardens have been returned to their former glory, the Southbank Convention centre now playing host to the largest shows.

Beside the buildings is the new Melbourne Museum, all glass and stone and bright colours and planes at all angles.

The museum's former home on Swanston Street houses the State Library of Victoria.

Mind and Body, Melbourne Museum, victoria, Australia

Mind and Body, Melbourne Museum

There's more on the Melbourne Museum, choose: The Building Part 1, Part 2, The Rainforest Atrium, The Children's Museum

Just the facts:

For opening hours, contact information and details on individual venues, see the Museum Victoria web site.
Visit Victoria

For posts about Melbourne events, places, news, reviews, giveaways, see our Facebook Page: