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Crime Series:

Susan Wittig Albert's China Bayles

Lawrence Block's Bernie Rhodenbarr (Burglar)

Lawrence Block's Matt Scudder

Lilian Jackson Braun's Qwilleran and Koko (Cat Who)

Lee Child's Jack Reacher

Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum

Janet Evanovich's Alex Barnaby

Janet Evanovich & Lee Goldberg's O'Hare/Fox series

Sue Grafton's Kinsey Milhone

Kerry Greenwood's Phryne Fisher

Kerry Greenwood's Corinna Chapman

Wendy Hornsby's Maggie MacGowen

Tanya Huff's Vicki Nelson (Blood)

Val McDermid's Kate Brannigan

Shane Maloney's Murray Whelan

Sara Paretsky's V. I. Warshawski

J D Robb's Eve Dallas and Roarke

Dorothy Sayers'Lord Peter Wimsey

Michael W. Sherer's Blake Sanders

Zoe Sharp's Charlie Fox

John Sandford's Lucas Davenport

John Sandford's Virgil Flowers

John Sandford's Kidd & LuEllen

Fantasy/Science Fiction series:

Douglas Adams' Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series

Isaac Asimov's Foundation and Robots series

Mary Janice Davidson's Undead series

Anne McCaffrey's Dragonrider series

Anne McCaffrey's Crystal Singer series

Anne McCaffrey's Brain Ships series

Anne McCaffrey's Talents (psychic, rowan, tower) series

Anne McCaffrey's Petaybee series

Anne McCaffrey's Freedom series

Anne McCaffrey's Acorna series

George R. R. Martin's Game of Thrones and more

Tanya Huff's Vicki Nelson (Blood Lines)

Tanya Huff's Confederation

Terry Pratchett's Discworld series

Spider Robinson's Callahan and Stardance series

Roger Zelazny's Amber Series


Welcome to the Series Series pages

Reading Orders for Popular Series

Yes, we have researched the correct reading order for various series. This isn't always easy, Anne McCaffrey's Dragonrider series has instructions on reading the first two chapters of one book before turning to another. John Sandford's Lucas Davenport series has appearances and references to both Kidd and Virgil Flowers, and reading the books isn't just a matter of reading a series at a time.

Have you got a favourite series? Why not submit a reading order of your own?

Can't get enough of series? Read our features on The Cat Who by Lilian Jackson Braun, or the Amber series by Roger Zelazny.

Check out our Usual Questions project where authors from a wide range of genres answer the same set of questions -- at last a chance to compare and contrast. Our index of authors lists interviews and bibliographies, or you can search for authors using our gold search box.

What is the attraction of series?

It gives us a chance to return to characters and worlds that we enjoy time and again. And, yes, it gives us a bit of security when buying a book that we have an idea of the style and concerns of the writer.

Publishers like series for just that reason: we recognise the author and the character and it's a sale. But more than that, there is a sense of inclusion in reading a well-crafted, internally-consistent series. We know the in-jokes, we understand the history that informs the characters' motivations, and we have a stake in their lives.

There are some series that go on long after they have lost their vitality, and for completists it is a conundrum -- to buy a new title so that there is a complete set, or to jump ship and find new authors, new characters and new series.

Readers of series authors are welcome to contact the editors about submitting series series entries for their favourite writers.

by Ali Kayn

Douglas Adams' Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series

Susan Wittig Albert's Chjna Bayles series

Isaac Asimov's Foundation and Robots series

J. Carson Black's Cyrill Landry and Jolie Burke series

Lawrence Block's Burglar (Bernie Rhodenbarr) series

Lee Child's Jack Reacher series

Lilian Jackson Braun's Cat Who series

Douglas Adams's Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series

MaryJanice Davidson's Undead (Queen Betsy) series

Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum series

Janet Evanovich's Alex Barnaby (Motormouth) series

Janet Evanovich & Lee Goldberg's O'Hate & Fox series

Sue Grafton's Kinsey Milhone series

Kerry Greenwood's Phryne Fisher series

Kerry Greenwood's Corinna Chapman series

Kerry Greenwood's Delphic Women series and other books

Wendy Hornsby's Maggie MacGowen series

Tanya Huff's Vicki Nelson (Blood Ties & Smoke) series

Tanya Huff's Valor Confederation series

Ian Irvine series

K. W. Jeter Kim Oh Dangerous Girl series

Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series

Anne McCaffrey's Dragonriders series

Anne McCaffrey's Crystal Singer series

Anne McCaffrey's Brain Ships series

Anne McCaffrey's Talent series

Anne McCaffreys Powers That Be (Petaybe) series

Anne McCaffrey's Freedom series

Anne McCaffrey's Acorna series

Anne McCaffrey's standalone collections and novels

George R. R. Martin's Game of Thrones series

Sara Paretsky's V. I. Warshawski series

Terry Pratchett's Discworld series

J D Robb's (Nora Roberts') Eve Dallas (In Death) series

Kim Stanley Robinson's Mars series

Spider Robinson's Callahan series

J K Rowling Harry Potter series

John Sandford's Lucas Davenport series

John Sandford's Virgil Flowers series

John Sandford's Kidd and LuEllen series

Dorothy L. Sayer's Lord Peter Wimsey series

Zoë Sharp's Charlie Fox series

Michael W. Sherer's Blake Sanders series

Roger Zelazny's Amber series

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